BMW E60 535D Remap, Setup and Results

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BMW E60 535D Remap, Setup and Results

A 160k miles BMW 535d in for a remap, totally stock car still running the DPF. This car is a fine example of a BMW; higher mileage yet still delivering great power and torque.

Here is the before graph:


399 lbs/ft and 256 hp. Not bad for a 13 year old stock car! 

We performed the remap and this is the after graph:


Big gains! With 454 lbs/ft and 293hp. Total gains of 55 ft/lbs and and 36 HP. Nice! As we can also see from the graph; the torque and power curve is much smoother and we see the torque build much faster. The customer should be delighted with this map!

Here is the YouTube video for those interested:


Get in touch now and see if we can transform your car too!